Transparency Codes
< Back to Article Lista. Local Authority Transparency Code (turnover exceeding £200k)
Last updated: 11 February 2025 at 13:39:29 UTC by Claire Pizzey
Town and parish councils with a gross annual income or expenditure in excess of £200,000 are required to comply with the Local Authority Transparency Code 2015.
The Code is divided into three parts and has three annexes, as follows:-
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Information which must be published
Part 3: Information recommended for publication
Annex A: Table summarising all information to be published
Annex B: Detecting and preventing fraud
Annex C: Social housing asset data to be published
Part 2 MUST be complied with, requiring certain information to be published.
Items which must be published quarterly:-
Individual items of expenditure over £500
All Government Procurement Card transactions
Details of invitations to tender or contracts awarded over £5,000
Data which must be published annually include (not exhaustive):-
council owned land
grants to voluntary, community and social enterprises
organisation chart
senior salaries
pay multiples
N.B. - Check the Transparency Code for more detail on the above categories.
Part 3 of the Code contains other information which the Government encourages local authorities to publish, in many cases these are the same headings as Part 2 but in more detail.
Link to Local Government Transparency Code