East Suffolk Area Forum

Welcome to this dedicated page designed to bring all the information together from our Area Forum for the East Suffolk District.  Councillors, Clerks and Officers of member councils are welcome to attend these meetings in addition to your nominated SALC representative.    There are up to four meetings per annum and bookings will require logging into the member portal.

The Local Councillor Magazine

Why not subscribe to our quarterly e-magazine showcasing topics and information for local councils?   Please note our next edition will be February 2025.  To view the current edition click here.

Your representatives on the SALC Board are:

Lesley Beevor (CHAIR) Southwold TC
Andrew Lewis (VICE CHAIR) Walberswick PC
Rhys Jarvis (VICE CHAIR) Southwold TC
Kim Puttock (VICE CHAIR) Aldeburgh TC

2025 East Suffolk Area Forum dates

  Tuesday 17th June

Thursday 25th September

Tuesday 25th November

Suffolk Coasts and Heaths ANOB - link to their dedicated website

Community Partnerships - link to dedicated webpage

Sizewell Stakeholder Group - link to dedicated webpage

Sizewell Oversight Partnership - link to information

link to information page Benefits of area forums. Our members tell us that the best 'takeaway' from our forums are the nuggets of information from other councils.  This can range from showcasing successful projects to raising an issue your council is aware of and wants to discuss potential options.  

Tuesday 17th June 

Click on this link to book your place*


  1. tbc

  2. Information exchange
    An opportunity to share your ideas and challenges with others.

  3. Latest news from SALC  

* booking is via the clerk unless you have portal access

Do you have something to share?

As part of the re-shape of our area forums we are offering the opportunity for your council to lead on an agenda item - a topic of your choosing.

To find out more BOOK A MEETING with our CEO for an informal chat using this link.

The Well Minds East Suffolk booklet has been developed by East Suffolk Council and is funded by the East Suffolk Community Partnership Board. Click on this link to download the booklet.
The aim is to provide a range of information and advice about mental health and wellbeing, useful contacts and ways to find out more. Hopefully, it will help you to help your friends, family and community. Hard copies will be available in a range of community locations across East Suffolk, but to request a hard copy/copies, please email communities@eastsuffolk.gov.uk.

Headlines including notes/information and recordings of meetings