The SALC annual survey was launched at the end of January and ran for a period of 8 weeks, closing at the end of March. Details were sent by email to clerks and reminders included periodically in weekly bulletins.
147 responses received (just under 40% of SALC membership)
59% of respondents completed the entire survey
Question 18 was the most skipped question which asked for ideas on future topics for SALC to focus on
highways management was the main priority for councils and the proposals for SALC to work with Suffolk Highways to improve communications received positive feedback
a download of the survey which includes individual comments but which does not identify the respondent is available here using this link and a summary which SALC will be using in conversations with stakeholders and partners is below for further information.
What next?
Member councils will see updates in our news bulletins and our networking events on changes, activities and projects linked to these priorities which will also be monitored by the SALC Board.
Response by district
Top five high priority issues
General comments under the priority question included:
massive number one priority is speeding/highways - everything else is of secondary important
more training courses for new councillors
flooding - which comes under a number of headings, community safety, emergency planning, environment, highways etc.,
planning - not including major infrastructure projects - these are two separate issues for many smaller councils
rural speeding - our VAS is recording higher and higher speeds
Environment and climate
The majority of those responding to the survey were concerned about flooding and want to know if they can do more locally to address this. A number strongly agree that more professional support and funding is needed and it is clear from the open comments that many did not have the capacity or powers to make a difference or, frustratingly, were unable to influence what is needed to address these matters. A high percentage wanted to know more about what the districts and county are doing in this area. Some councils are not sure where to start and over 50% agree that the SALC dedicated page/online information have been useful and influenced approach.
General comments under this heading:
we do not have a climate action plan but have resources should we consider it necessary and we understand our biodiversity duties
we don't have capacity for this work (a number of respondents said this)
central government will make a difference
I have no knowledge on this subject and no one on my council has brought it forward for discussion
we have a plan and varying degrees of understanding what the responsibilities are and what are real achievable aims for our parish council
we have a climate action group with knowledgeable and experienced members who are prepared to volunteer towards relevant projects
we are not aware of our duties in relation to biodiversity net gain but would like to know more
as a very small council we tend to focus our limited resources on day-to-day issues, however direct guidance on our duties and any actions we could take would be welcome
The survey shows the majority understand and deal with planning applications as a statutory consultee and evidence of good working relationships with Local Planning Authorities (LPA) - 14% did not feel there were good working relations compared to 52% who did and a further 31% who strongly agreed they did. There is good attendance of briefings and trainings by the LPA and agreement the information and support provided by them is useful. When asked if it was noticeable that there were improvements in support and guidance available from LPAs over the past 12 months, 5% strongly agreed and 38% agreed with this statement compared to 47% who did not. Not many had accessed the online resources on planning NALC had produced. Over 50% were aware of jointly produced SALC and Suffolk County Council guidance for town and parish councils on infrastructure projects. Over 70% were aware of changes to planning to planning law, a small percentage had watched a copy of the recording of the planning law update from the SALC conference with over 60% stating they had not. In the open comments there is evidence of a feeling that representations made are ignored by the LPA and calls for training via the district council to enable the council to respond effectively. A low number were considering neighbourhood development plans with 31% agreeing that having one is useful. Approximately 16% would like to have one but not sure where to start or the merits of having one.
General comments under this heading include:
a number of personal challenges for members of the parish council so not as engaged as they would have liked to be with some attending ESPA (East Suffolk Planning Alliance) meetings and feedback that this is a talking shop which is disappointing. Consultations on North Felixstowe Garden Village have been poor including not allowing questions from the floor.
difficult for communities to review neighbourhood plans when the planning authority does not have a complete local plan
the council almost always decides in the opposite way to the parish council which means many have become disillusioned with the parish council and say there is no point bothering to express an opinion which is perhaps why there is little support for a neighbourhood plan
with only four councillors out of a potential seven and difficulty in recruiting volunteers we don't feel we have the resources or expertise available to complete a neighbourhood plan. We have looked at the lighter touch version that is being proposed but at present that is too woolly to warrant time and energy being spent on it
we are beneath the scale for a neighbourhood plan to be relevant
we have considered a neighbourhood plan on several occasions but could never justify expense and time
the costs and logistics have put us off especially when they often lack teeth in other communities. Councillors are good at considering the impact on the village and neighbouring properties but sometimes lack insight into what the legal position is on the matter, unfortunately there is an apathy amongst councillors who consider that whatever is raised will be overridden at district level so the uptake of training is not a popular idea
since Green Party councillors in MSDC there have been improvements in communication and our local representative (Con) has been very helpful
councillors struggle to understand all the planning policies and their hierarchy so it is often left to the clerk to identify the policies that apply. The fact that often the planning authority goes against it can be frustrating and the informal negotiations that take place between the planning authority and the developer can lack in transparency at times. It is also difficult to accept how some material considerations that fall to the officers within the planning authority can be some when they are so significant, ie minor amendment v s.73 planning applications. There is no training or direct information from the planning authority and this is an area which would benefit from serious consideration (see download for the rest of this comment).
Community Safety
A high percentage of those responding to the survey have speed cameras and agree they are a good deterrent. Just over 25% have had the opportunity to use the ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras which they say have made a difference. Just under 30% would like to know more about speed cameras. There is knowledge of how local policing works, that there are changes being introduced and they know who their local community engagement officer is. However over 35% disagreed with this. There were also some really useful additional comments including clarification on the question which quotes "speed camera" where locally it is more common to have a SID (speed indicator device). Comments also included experience that despite local speed devices it had not resulted in reducing average speeds. One example of a camera being out of use due to lack of volunteers and that it had limited effect give that no action was taken in response to the data collected. Also views that changes being introduced will be a retrograde step and lack of understanding how new arrangements will work. One comment might reflect other rural communities - "because of our rural location and where the police who attend our village are based, as well as the pressures they are under, we do not always feel that we get the best service." Another stated they had speed indicator devices and it helps reduce some speeding issues but they do not like policing their communities. The police camera vehicle comes often to their village.
Highways management
There is a high level of awareness of the new partner Milestone Infrastructure and almost 60% know that there is an opportunity to work with SALC to help improve communication. Over 85% disagreed that they had seen a difference since the new contract was introduced. Approximately 60% are aware of online guidance on the County's website. Over 90% think an online highways forum through SALC is a good idea and approximately 86% welcome the opportunity. Over 95% are concerned about the impact of budget cuts in relation to highways maintenance. There was evidence that not many councils are aware of increased social media content by Suffolk Highways. The open comments include some positive comments stating the highways reporting tool is effective or that it is too soon to judge Milestone. However, some state communication is not the issue - it is timely action on repairs. An online forum would only be effective if it was tightly controlled and not used as an opportunity to berate Milestone. Some highlighted the 'One Network' was useful to inform the parish of local works.
General comments under this heading:
we are aware of Suffolk Highways social media but has not been applicable for our parish, not aware of the quick guides and not aware of what Milestone are doing as yet
highways management is broken - needs a different model not a new contractor. It would be helpful if SALC challenged the monopoly Suffolk Highways have created for themselves
too soon to say if Milestone are making a difference yet they took over just before we had three floods so a running battle to keep up with highways maintenance
not seen any difference
we do not use social media
not aware that Milestone Infrastructure were the new highways maintenance partner, our community has been involved with community self-help and been on the training scheme
we have had a recent survey on suitable village improvements to discuss as a pc, which we will take to the village next month
the state of some of Suffolk's roads speaks for itself, and the recent budget cuts do not fill us with confidence that the situation will change soon enough. The priority scheme used by SCC is not reflective of the importance placed on some matters by the general public particularly when it results in damage to their vehicles (potholes) driver and pedestrian safety (lack of verge/footway maintenance) unnecessary detours and additional petrol expenses (closed road signs either misplaced or not removed when works have been finished, lack of clarity about closures) as well as a sense of abandonment and lack of care (signage not cleaned, repaired or even replaced in some cases)
we leave it to our local population to follow Highways information online or social media
we have continually requested work from Suffolk Highways (we even have a budget to pay for it ourselves). So far after numerous meetings progress has been zero
Just over 47% strongly agree/agree they are concerned about the adequacy of their budget to meet increasing costs compared to over 50% disagreeing with this statement. Around 70% intend to increase their precept this year. Just over 42% cannot afford to increase resources this year compared with just over 47% saying they can.
Approximately 69% of parishes use a simple spreadsheet to manage council finances compared to 21% who use a package. Over 95% understand the requirements of the Transparency Code. A high percentage would like more support on where to find grant funding that town and parishes can apply for and just over 40% would like to manage their grant funding function better and learn from others.
General comments under this heading:
budget is adequate but we are concerned at the diminishing budget at higher tiers of government and the impact they are having on support functions provided to the village this is especially true of Suffolk Highways and policing budgets
East Suffolk Council provide good and frequent advice on grant funding available
we are a parish meeting and many of the questions in this survey and SALC publications need to take account of value, structure, operations and needs of parish meetings
we manage our budget with the help of SALC
we get support on external funding from East Suffolk and Community Action Suffolk
we have not raised our precept this year and use SALC payroll we would however like more information on issues like working from home, pay scales etc.
due to two large housing developments in the parish we have a huge increase in precept therefore we are able to increase spend within the parish to include lorry parking restrictions we are happy with the spreadsheet management of finances, clerk is a contractor so manages own taxation arrangements
Community assets
Many respondents said they had a number of community assets in their parish/town and help provide funding or support the management of them. The majority were aware of support from other teams/organisations to help manage them but 25% did not. Comments included the fact that the parish had been very proactive in ensuring community assets were managed by the parish council and not a management company or the district. Others explained they had a number of projects that were ongoing and managing them ok. One had just arranged a Lease for a playing field but the process was painful to get it over the line.
Loneliness and isolation
Approximately 73% of respondents were concerned about social isolation within their community with 6% having a number of initiatives in place to help deal with it, but just under 30% did not. Over 55% provide funding to local clubs and groups to help address such matters but again just over 30% did not. A larger percentage (80%) were aware of support and initiatives available through other agencies and regularly promoted these. Approximately 45% have an informal good neighbour scheme compared to 44% who do not and 22% use the rural coffee caravan compared to 62% who do not.
General comments under this heading:
there are already social groups in the village providing social meeting opportunities for tea and or lunches - and there were many examples of this in the comments from other parishes
no need for rural coffee caravan - our community hall opens regularly with East Suffolk Council support
the rural coffee caravan used to visit us but has not done so for a number of years due to lack of custom - this was mentioned more than once
the town council provides umbrella support to many organisations and groups
we dont have our own funds but we apply for locality grants and district council grants to benefit groups in the village
we have tried several initiatives in the village but there is never any interest as we look after each other and there are several existing clubs and organisations
we have a cafe in the village and we are involved in a project to support mental health and have had a number of suicides in the village
we are planning to have a new community centre
this is an underdeveloped area for us, both because of capacity issues but also lack of expertise and knowledge
it would be helpful if third party organisations remembered to include parish councils in circulation lists rather than them finding out they will be in the parish the next day
Councillor recruitment
A large amount of respondents regularly promote what they do in their local magazine or social media. Around 62% have councillor vacancies and struggle to attract interest in the work of the town or parish council. Around 50% agree they have a good cross-section of the community on the council including those from minority groups but 42% disagreed with that. Around 78% would like SALC to undertake a campaign to raise awareness of local council work to help increase its profile but only 12% had case studies to offer SALC in order to give examples. Sharing of ideas of what worked in other parishes was popular. Around 90% offer new councillor training to those new to role.
Comments under this heading:
when I started as clerk in 2021 the parish council was carrying a number of vacancies and we have worked hard to raise the number, councillors are or a similar social background and age profile - there is not much diversity or youth representation
we are a parish meeting therefore no councillors we have some 12 -15 volunteers who help us
we have a single vacancy and already two expressions of interest, the town is expanding which creates an increased and more diverse pool of residents many of whom come to the town attracted by its community ambience
we always have at least one councillor vacancy and it is difficult to recruit reasons given are too busy, do other things in village, dont understand it all, not interested, parish council is ineffective, no one is prepare to chair this year but we do get a reasonable public attendance for the size of our parish
what about parish meetings
we are short of councillors and have had to cancel sever pc meetings at short notice ... meeting remotely like during COVID would help
we always offer new councillor training through SALC but to date none of them have taken it up
we dont have any vacancies at present but we have councillors who dont share the workload and just turn up for meetings
we have a tiny public audience ... during COVID we had more people come to online meetings.... we have tried information sessions but few villagers came ....hardly any villagers attend the annual parish meeting .... more attend if there is a controversial issue
Clerk/officer recruitment and/or retention
Not many respondents had a clerk or officer vacancy but agreed (63%) that a campaign to raise awareness of the role would be useful. The majority seemed aware of the SALC service to promote vacancies and a good percentage (60%+) of Suffolk Jobs Direct who offer a low cost job advertising service. Approximately 73% agreed online tools to help with recruitment from SALC would be useful. Some comments included the fact that after some time a new clerk had been successful recruited and SALC has assisted. Others saying it is difficult to find experienced clerks to take over when someone resigns or retires.
It appeared there were volunteers to help across communities in lots of different ways, but 29% disagreed with this. There was a good awareness of the annual volunteering campaign run by Community Action Suffolk. Around 28% could provide case studies on how volunteers make a difference to help raise awareness too. It was good to see that around 58% had procedures in place to help manage volunteers but 30% did not. Around 80% wanted SALC to continue to raise awareness of campaigns to promote more interest in local volunteering.
General comments under this heading included:
volunteers remain in small groups generally of civic-minded retired people, getting a significant number of volunteers remains an issue
we have informal volunteers that pretty much self-manage, people seem to like the idea of volunteering until it actually comes to a date for commitment then it gets mainly to the councillors and pressed staff or family, this wears thing on those who already commit a lot of time to the village, it makes the parish council reluctant to run events although they are well received and attended
we find it difficult to get volunteers - everyone is too busy
Public transport
Rural transport remains a real issue for communities - 88% either agreed or strongly agreed and 61% disagreed that there was a local community transport scheme that worked well in their area. Around 30% wanted to know how to find out about how to set up a local scheme. Just under 50% were aware of Transport East and their work compared to 45% who did not.
General comments under this heading:
there was a very informative general comment giving a comprehensive description of issues in their experience over a number of years including engagement with Transport East
no effective community transport scheme
town council supports local minibus
we a local community service but it struggles for funding
no local transport to Needham Market and Stowmarket
public transport very limited Mon to Friday and no evening buses
we along with three other parishes made a successful bid for our rural transport scheme
Emergency planning
There was an equal split between respondents of those with emergency plans -v- those who do not and a lower percentage of those who regularly test. Around 38% would like more information on this subject and around 68% would like to understand roles and responsibilities in relation to flooding. There was appetite for an awareness campaign.
General comments under this heading include:
no volunteers to set up a plan
the plan is out of date
we have considered and will come together as and when necessary
we do not consider this to be something organised at a community level due to appropriateness and resources including the need to keep it up to date
we have worked with Suffolk Prepared but nothing could have prepared us for recent flooding
recent flooding exposed how agencies simply do not protect communities at risk of flooding, lots of evidence gathering and talking but precious little action
the role that the town council should play in an emergency situation and how this relates to the work of other statutory bodies is still confusing
Business continuity
Over 55% of respondents have processes in place that help address business continuity with 47% stating they included loss of expertise compared to just over 35% who do not. Around 55% are aware of these risk and would like support to help manage them compared to 25% who did not. Use of the risk register for these matters did not score very high.
General comments under this heading include:
we are not aware of any plans for loss of expertise, if this happened we would contact SALC
we should but dont
we have sufficient safety nets in place
Training and development
Not all respondents had a training and development plan (57% did) but some would like to develop one. The majority ringfence funding for training. Around 47% had a CiLCA qualified clerk compared to 46% and around 24% would like one. There was some interest in the potential development of a bursary scheme. Only 3% of respondents had a clerk / officer with community governance degree but more wanted to find out about degree-level training including Masters. The majority were aware of the SALC development pathways for councillors and officers, the Local Council Award Scheme and appetite to find out more.
General comments under this heading include:
despite opportunities for training difficult to get interest in this
I am happy as I am and do not want to do CiLCA
we do not have funding available to cover cost of CiLCA
we are currently reviewing information required for Quality Gold
clerks do not get paid enough to do a degree level qualification
SALC member services
General comments
We have added the general comments to a list below and added some initial thoughts. We will take actions forward as requested.