last updated 9.1.25

On 9th January Suffolk County Council made a decision to recommend Suffolk for inclusion in the government's Devolution Priority Programme (DPP) which would see the creation of a directly elected Mayor (likely covering Suffolk and Norfolk) and the replacement of existing council structures with a streamlined unitary council being set up. 

Click on this link to view our NEWS Blog on this update for further details.

In preparation the SALC team have:

  • met with Somerset ALC with a view to learning lessons from their approach as a county association due to meet with Cornwall ALC and Cumbria ALC shortly

  • invited a town council in a unitary authority to talk at a SALC larger council forum and share experiences 

  • establishing ways to assess impact depending on proposals that emerge - this will involve data collection and a call from us to our members for information 


Power and Partnerships

Watch Angela Rayner set out plans to roll out devolution across England. 

English Devolution White Paper

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