Suffolk Highways

Highways management is consistently one of the biggest issues for parishes and towns so we are exploring opportunities that will help improve communication, access to information and work towards building better relationships with Suffolk Highways.   

So what is the plan?

Over recent months we have engaged with Suffolk Highways in a number of ways and very grateful to all our members who have assisted with providing details of their concerns, many of which are very similar.  Feedback in our 2024 member survey (results available to view here) show us that the majority of those who responded are keen for us to get involved. 

This information page is part of an agreed action plan between Suffolk Highways and SALC and the first initiative is to run topic-based highway forums.    

Highway forums

SALC will be hosting a series of online forums with Suffolk Highways which will include:

  • grass cutting

  • gritting

  • priority of works

  • flooding

  • road safety

  • community self-help 

  • how to use to set up email alerts

These sessions will be held using the Microsoft Teams platform and delivered by officers and, where appropriate, contractors, dealing with these matters.  Booking will be via the SALC member portal.  These events will also be recorded and published on this page.

Quick guides

From how to deal with highway emergencies through to weed treatment and grass cutting.  Use this link to view a directory of quick guides on the Suffolk County Council website.

Planned roadworks

Roadworks including road closures.  Use this link to view further details on the Suffolk County Council website.


How to search for works and set up email alerts on the one.suffolk network.  Use this link for further details on the Suffolk County Council website.

Community self-help schemes

Empowering local councils to deliver minor maintenance works.  Use this link to view further details on the Suffolk County Council website.

Highway maintenance

Highway maintenance operational plan including management and inspection.  Use this link to view further details on the Suffolk County Council website.

Rights of way 

Information about access to the countryside including commons and village greens.  Use this link for further details on the Suffolk County Council website.