h. Preparing for internal audit

Last updated: 29 January 2024 at 19:18:28 UTC by Laura Sampson

Throughout the calendar year your clerk should be following your council's policies and procedures and broadly working in line with this model business administration calendar.

Use this link to view the calendar on the SALC website 

As a result preparing for the audit should require very little preparation - which could be further reduced if you have adopted a electronic filing system - scanning and filing invoices and other documentation as it arrives.  Working efficiently throughout the year will pay dividends when it comes to the annual audit regime.

The timing of your internal audit is an important consideration for your council - if you leave it too late there are risks for your council,  Here is a a quick outline of the risk rating for your council to consider when organising your internal audit.

Watch the SALC video briefing to help refresh and inform your council about the audit framework and what your council should consider, if necessary, to prepare.  This briefing does not replace training, clerks, RFOs and councillors 

Watch our 17 minute briefing video to help your council prepare for this year's internal audit.