< Back to Article Listg. Role of the Chair
Last updated: 11 February 2025 at 13:45:40 UTC by Claire Pizzey
The role of the Chair of a meeting is to keep order and control the meeting in accordance with standing orders. They can also exercise a second (casting) vote in the event of a tied vote. For all other matters, the status of a Chair is the same as any other councillor.
Specific responsibilities for the Chair of a meeting include:
Consider any procedural obstacle to the meeting proceeding (e.g. quorate?)
Formally open the meeting
Ensuring draft minutes of the previous meeting are approved and signed
Deciding points of order and other incidental questions
Controlling disorderly or disruptive behaviour at the meeting
Ensuring the business on the agenda is dealt with
Exercising the casting vote (mandatory in the case of election of Chair)
Declaring the result of a vote
Suspending or adjourning a meeting if necessary
Closing a meeting after business has been concluded
Before the meeting, the Proper Officer should consult the Chair before finalising the agenda.
If present, the Chair MUST preside at a meeting of the Council. In their absence, the Vice-Chair must preside, or in the absence of both, the councillors present must select someone from themselves to preside over the meeting.