g. Role of the Chair

Last updated: 11 February 2025 at 13:45:40 UTC by Claire Pizzey

The role of the Chair of a meeting is to keep order and control the meeting in accordance with standing orders.  They can also exercise a second (casting) vote in the event of a tied vote. For all other matters, the status of a Chair is the same as any other councillor.

Specific responsibilities for the Chair of a meeting include:

  • Consider any procedural obstacle to the meeting proceeding (e.g. quorate?)

  • Formally open the meeting

  • Ensuring draft minutes of the previous meeting are approved and signed

  • Deciding points of order and other incidental questions

  • Controlling disorderly or disruptive behaviour at the meeting

  • Ensuring the business on the agenda is dealt with

  • Exercising the casting vote (mandatory in the case of election of Chair)

  • Declaring the result of a vote

  • Suspending or adjourning a meeting if necessary

  • Closing a meeting after business has been concluded

Before the meeting, the Proper Officer should consult the Chair before finalising the agenda.

If present, the Chair MUST preside at a meeting of the Council. In their absence, the Vice-Chair must preside, or in the absence of both, the councillors present must select someone from themselves to preside over the meeting.