< Back to Article Lists. Standing orders
Last updated: 11 February 2025 at 13:53:14 UTC by Claire Pizzey
It is recommended that councils have standing orders for the regulation of their proceedings and business. These should set out the relevant statutory requirements relating to meetings (incl. committees and sub-committees), councillors and the proper officer.
Standing orders will help control:
the order of business at the annual meeting of a council
submitting motions for debate at meetings
public participation at meetings
dealing with disorderly conduct
awarding or entering into contracts for goods and services
consideration of confidential or sensitive information that is prejudicial to the public interest
review and management of delegation arrangements
frequency and duration of meetings
amendment, suspension or revocation of standing orders that do not incorporate statutory requirements.
NALC have produced model standing orders which can be tailored to suit individual councils, save for those printed in bold, which are based on statutory requirements and should not be changed.
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