Code of Conduct and Standards

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m. Complaints about councillors

Last updated: 7 February 2025 at 16:15:04 UTC by Claire Pizzey

Complaints received about a councillor which allege a breach of the Code of Conduct MUST be forwarded to the district council's Monitoring Officer.

Similarly, an internal grievance raised by a member of council staff that includes allegations of a breach of the Code by a member(s) must be sent to the MO, unless the grievance can be resolved by the informal process in the Council's grievance procedure. This follows a judgement in the case of Harvey v Ledbury Town Council (2018).

N.B. NALC have issued an advice note on their website - Judicial review claim brought against Ledbury Town Council 

[To access the NALC website you will need to set up an individual account (SALC members only).  Video guidance on how to do this is available here -]]