Parish council meetings are subject to statutory requirements that govern how they must be convened…
When setting agendas, the following extract from NALC's Local Councils Explained ( original wording…
Section 134, L ocal Government Act 1972, and paragraph 10, Schedule 12, to that Act both deal with…
Councillors wishing for their absence from a meeting to be approved are advised to apply (in writin…
The Localism Act 2011 (use this link to access the legislation ) introduced arrangements to regulat…
Meetings cannot proceed if there are insufficient members present to form a quorum. Under para 12,…
The role of the Chair of a meeting is to keep order and control the meeting in accordance with stan…
It is normal for the Clerk to take the minutes of meetings. In their absence, another member of sta…
Meetings must generally be held in public (see article a - Model Council), but this does not mean t…
In most circumstances, the press and public will be entitled to attend meetings of a parish council…
From time-to-time difficulties may be experienced at meetings due to the conduct of members of the…
Council meetings (including committees) must be open to the public, including the press. The press…
Decisions made at meetings are formally known as resolutions. Voting should take place only after c…
Council meetings are business meetings and should be focussed on achieving corporate decisions. Min…
The rules of debate at a meeting are designed to ensure that councillors have an opportunity to spe…
An ordinary meeting is a scheduled meeting convened by the council’s Proper Officer. Schedule 12, L…
The annual meeting of the Council must take place during the month of May. In a year of an ordinary…
All parishes must hold an annual assembly of the parish. The annual parish meeting is an effective…
It is recommended that councils have standing orders for the regulation of their proceedings and bu…