Watch this 30 minute introductory video to this topic that covers: the purpose of appraisals pickin…
Watch this 10 minute video that covers: the council as an employer the importance of good governanc…
Watch this 30 minute introductory video to this topic that covers: The importance of ensuring local…
Watch this 30 minute introductory video to this topic that covers: employment law changes introduce…
Watch this 30 minute introductory video to this topic that covers: Who do employees complain to, an…
Watch this 30 minute introductory video to this topic that covers: Deciding who in the council is r…
Watch this 30 minute introductory video to this topic that covers: understanding the legal position…
Whether your council employs a single member of staff for a few hours a week or you are a larger co…
Like any employer, a local council must be seen to act in a fair and reasonable manner in relation…
The most effective councils are those with a climate of mutual respect. This means there are effect…
Employees should be seen as an investment. They are key to helping the Council deliver the outcomes…
Whilst not all workers are employees (some people are self-employed for example) it is the view of…
Under s.112 of the Local Government 1972 a council can set salaries at whatever reasonable level th…
Some older contracts may indicate that the council will make a retirement gratuity payment to a per…
Management of staff is a continuous process and an annual review of an employee's performance is an…
Unfortunately from time to time there will be disagreements between the council and its officers. I…
As a corporate body the whole council makes decisions about recruitment and management of staff. A…
NALC have reviewed this publication and 2023 is now available. LINK TO THE GOOD COUNCILLOR GUIDE TO…
The Good Councillor Guide to Being a Good Employer has a useful section where the contractual relat…
Having appropriately trained employees ensures local councils are better equipped to deliver better…