Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Local government pay claim 2023/24 The NALC CEO, in their weekly e-bulletin, has confirmed that the LGA has informed NALC than an agreement has been reached on the 2023 pay awards. NALC have provided their employment briefing which det... SALC news / update for members Nov 6, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Suffolk Libraries consultation Suffolk County Council (SCC) has launched a public consultation encouraging Suffolk residents to tell SCC what they want from their library services in the future. SCC encourages councils to share thi... SALC news / update for members Nov 3, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Suffolk County Council budget Suffolk County Council is keen to hear from Suffolk residents, businesses and local communities, as it decides how it will spend money next year. An online consultation has been launched, and a numbe... SALC news / update for members Oct 27, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Funding available Suffolk Passenger Transport, SCC, have asked SALC to share this information with councils. SCC have been granted £1.8million to spend each year in 2023/24 and 2024/25 on enhancements to the current p... SALC news / update for members Oct 23, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Active Suffolk Active Suffolk has been given a unique opportunity to shape Physical Activity in the county and is working collaboratively with Suffolk County Council, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils, East ... SALC news / update for members Oct 23, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson SCC transport engagement Sustrans, the charity making it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle, are working on behalf of Suffolk County Council, carrying out engagement on the local transport network in Ipswich, Felixsto... SALC news / update for members Oct 23, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Local Government Pay Claim 2023/2024 NALC have provided the following update (published in the SALC NEWS e-bulletin 4.10.23) : The full National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government Services Trade Union Side met to discuss the nation... SALC news / update for members Oct 22, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Money Guiders Suffolk County Council is working with the Money & Pension Service to promote and increase uptake of their Money Guiders programme [1] which is free training* that helps professionals working with peo... SALC news / update for members Oct 20, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Getting to Grips to NSIPs **New guidance** Today we launched guidance for town and parish councils to Nationally Strategic Infrastructure Projects (NSIPS) developed collaboratively between SALC and Suffolk County Council. Th... SALC news / update for members Oct 18, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Suffolk Community Awards 2023 The winners of this year's Suffolk Community Awards were crowned at a ceremony on 25th September held at the Food Museum in Stowmarket. Group photo of the Suffolk Community Award Winners of 2023 ... SALC news / update for members Sep 26, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson SALC Conference 2023 ** Join SALC on Wednesday 29th November at The Hold, Ipswich, for our first face-to-face event since the pandemic, providing members the opportunity to *engage *with a range of stakeholders, *learn... SALC news / update for members Sep 25, 2023
Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Laura Sampson Getting to grips with NSIPs *Launch event: Wednesday 18 October 2023* *This event is FREE * SCC's legal team, Sharpe-Pritchard, will present an overview of the NSIP process and be able to answer any questions you might have abo... SALC news / update for members Sep 22, 2023