Speaker: Andrew St. Ledger, Assistant Director of Communications and Public Affairs, Suffolk County Council
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SALC update
Things are very busy with the extra work devolution and local government reorganisation is producing but we are committed to working hard to engage, represent and have a place at the top table at the appropriate time. We have a dedicated page on our website and we send out updates on our activities regularly to clerks.
Internal audit bookings are going well - with over 87 councils booked in. Papers from PKF Littlejohn should be coming through to councils any day now. They are the external auditor. We have also held a session with clerks in January to help prepare, updated our dedicated page, produced blogs and news articles on topics where councils were picked up on last time.
Templates have been updated recently including Financial Regulations. We have also alerted members to phishing emails which look like they are from SAAA.
A reminder that our weekly newsletters go out to clerks - we send out to 377 recipients every week. Your clerk hopefully passes this on but we are also aware some are asked to be gatekeepers and only pass on information that is relevant.
Our AGM and 75th celebrations for 1st July in Bury St. Edmunds arrangements are in the final stages of design. There will be 100 places available and it will be live streamed. We have guest speakers organised. There are some small changes to the Constitution to consider and we will be consulting our members on this before the AGM which is where they will be approved.
There are a number of working groups happening involving the SALC Board looking at a film about the sector, bursary scheme for training and a campaign for clerk/councillor recruitment.
Our work supporting new clerks which includes more experienced clerk joining a new council is working well.