Notes of meeting 14th September 2023
Information - documents - recording of session

We welcomed Sarah Wilding, Climate Change Manager from Babergh/Mid Suffolk District Council who engaged with a lively discussion with everyone on climate initiatives, sharing of information, aspirations and an overall listening mode.   Parishes were reminded of the SALC Climate Change Forum - link to page.

Attendance stats

  • Election of Area Representatives onto the SALC Board
    Mid Suffolk South - Chair: Mark Valladares (nominated Mark Clements, seconded Belle Campbell) vote carried and Vice Chair : Mark Clements (nominated Mark Valladares, seconded Belle Campbell) vote carried.  Mid Suffolk North - Chair: Julie Bell (nominated Caroline Emeny, seconded Michelle Salazar) vote carried and Vice Chair: William Sargeant (nominated Tony Kilbee, seconded Caroline Emeny) vote carried.  There were two expressions of interest for the future : Michelle Salazar and James Spencer.  They were thanked for their interest as were the elected representatives onto the Board for their continued support.  Details of the roles at SALC are available here using this link.

  • Information exchange
    There was a wide range of topics discussed including whether other parishes were concerned about community buildings as a result of the aerated concrete issue.  Solar farm applications and East Anglia Green NSIP.  The Levelling Up Bill will hopefully provide a resolution to the issue of funding for churches and it was also highlighted that the Model Financial Regulations were being reviewed and there was opportunity for feedback.   

    Some parishes were concerned about the state of  road signs, repair programme (but not for all)  with some parishes looking at ways to fund this.  This also highlighted examples where the cost of such matters were excessive for the public purse.  This led onto concern about public finances and impact on future public services.   Other issues included a request for any experiences relating to public footpath diversions and the frequency generally of parish council meetings.

  • SALC update
    A county-wide conference was being finalised to take place 29th November covering a variety of topics including opportunity to meet new highways partner at Suffolk CC Details will go direct to clerks but here is a link for ease of reference.
    SALC were also looking to assist some councils with councillor recruitment which in view of current vacancies was of concern.   Finally SALC have been working with Suffolk CC on guidance and support for town and parish councils in relation to national infrastructure projects.  This included making representations on behalf of the sector on the challenges and lack of specialist support. NALC elections - it was highlighted to attendees about forthcoming elections onto NALC committees.  Details will be circulated to all clerks shortly.

Notes of meeting 15th June 2023
Information - documents - recording of session