Over the past week more than ever I have appreciated and respected the issues members raise with us because it directs what we do next. In the context of devolution and local government reorganisation we are busy engaging at all levels and some councils are sharing with us their activities as a result of the provision of information that has been provided to our sector to date. One of the key challenges other counties learnt as part of their unitary experience was ensuring councils and parish meetings remain engaged with the process.
I believe there are still many who are not quite sure what all these changes could mean and or what the distinction is between devolution and local government re-organisation, alongside understanding there is a connection between the two - so this is where we can help each other. I will be circulating a survey over the next few days that has a number of purposes including establishing how many of our members are clear on the current position and how things are going to move forward over the next 12 months.
I would encourage your council to respond as it includes questions about your council in terms of capacity, resources, budget, appetite for growth, number and types of assets and/or services you already manage. This mapping exercise across our county will enable me to have data-based conversations with key stakeholders and decision-makers.
In terms of a summary of our activities over the last two weeks see below, which I hope enables your council to remain informed and connected.
Consultation on Mayoral Combined County Authority - devolution
SALC hosted an information drop in session with Lead Officers from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on 18th March and also provided us with some materials for us all to use to raise awareness of this important consultation. A link to the recording, presentation slides and posters/flyers is available here.
They have also advised us that there is an in-person event in Ipswich which anyone can attend - details available here.. Please help cascade this information across our communities - these are important matters that everyone should be aware of and have an opportunity to give their view.
The initial plans are in
Following a round of meetings districts, the borough and the county council last week, interim plans have submitted to government :
Engaging with our members
We are using our area forums and other networks to speak with our members (approximately 90 representatives). Suffolk County Council are joining us to help explain the current position and answer any questions parishes and towns might have. We would encourage all members to come along to these scheduled area forums - see below. If you cant make it then take time out to watch the recordings and send us any follow-up queries.
Babergh Area Forum
East Suffolk Area Forum
Mid Suffolk Area Forum
West Suffolk Area Forum
MP and Council Leader engagement
We have set up mailing lists on our system to allow us to communicate with leaders and representatives to ensure they are aware of our activities. We are meeting with the Leader of Ipswich Borough Council, Cllr. Neil MacDonald to introduce him to the work we do in supporting parishes and town across Suffolk. I have updated all sector leaders in Suffolk and MPs on our work so far.
SALC larger council forum
A network of "larger councils" has existed for many years allowing town councils to come together and network. We used this network to consider what we could do together in the context of devolution, especially as currently it is seen as an opportunity but with unknowns and risks. I am going to review this group and consider basing membership on electorate numbers.
Our our recent larger council forums we were joined by Nicola Beach, CEO of Suffolk County Council who helped field questions and a non-political insight into current plans and this support was very welcomed. It helped us identify our next steps.
What principles are emerging around local government re-organisation that councils need to consider?
Almost all of our research emphasizes the necessity for any changes to be beneficial for the residents of Suffolk, while also addressing the concerns of the sector regarding community capacity, voluntary service uptake, and the importance of democratic engagement and local connections.
In relation to community capacity and the taking on of services and assets, some of the questions we have are in relation to finance and resources when it comes to asset/service transfer. Taking on new responsibilities comes with risks and it is important our sector remains focussed on the primary goal of local government re-organisation which is to enhance the quality of life for the people of Suffolk. Any proposed changes should focus on improving service delivery, increasing accessibility, and ensuring that the needs of the community are met effectively. This requires a thorough assessment of current services and a commitment to prioritizing the well-being of residents in all decision-making processes.
Our representative role intends to seek strong reassurances regarding the building of community capacity because if communities are empowered they must have the tools and resources necessary to thrive. We also want potential transfers to be optional and not something that is imposed and help towns and parishes, where relevant, to make informed decisions with plenty of time for proper due consideration and assessment of cost and benefits.
I am now working on the next phase of our plan, and as mentioned above, I need some good data in order to be able to do this well. Please look out for our survey and take part. It will be exploring:
how you engage with your local community - to see if this is adequate to bridge the demographic deficit that might exist as a result of re-organisation and devolution
what assets or services you own or run and what you might be willing to take on
what you would like re-organisation to look like based on the needs of local communities
what support do you think our sector needs in the light of potential change
the state of the sector such as number of CiLCA qualified clerks, number of hours you have available, electorate numbers, vacancies etc.,
And finally ...... dont forget to use our devolution information page as a reference site on what is going on and a record of our activities so we can all keep up to date.