Website accessibility action plan 2024

Last updated: 8th October 2024

This is now a living document to enable the SALC team to continually improve accessibility to the documents they produce and publish and as the SALC website continues to develop.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (known as WCAG) are an internationally recognised set of recommendations for improving web accessibility.  They explain how to make digital services, websites and applications accessible to everyone, including users with impairments to their vision, hearing, mobility, thinking and understanding.  SALC are following this government guidance on how to make your service accessible : an introduction.

SALC are constantly adding information to their website and have now implemented a regular programme of review that aims to test accessibility against design code and content so that the site meets WCAG Level 2.   The programme will involve use of a combination of tools and manual testing to identify potential problems.   There is also a commitment to a whole team approach to help better understand accessibility so as to avoid making making anything we produce inaccessible.

SALC have moved to a domain and as a result in the process of undertaking an accessibility audit in addition to the above.

Accessibility improvement plan

SALC last undertook an accessibility test on 16th May 2024 which showed a number of issues and this plan includes actions to address these.  SALC use a combination of automated tools and manual tests to identify problems and are following the guidelines for basic testing published on this government website.    In addition as a result of moving to a website further accessibility checks are being made.



The SALC homepage has been sampled  and has a number of areas that need attention.  A support call to support and maintenance of our website has been placed (14.08.2024).  The main issues are around ARIA labelling.  In addition the footer page on the website requires some small changes with a hidden broken link which is being investigated. (15.08.2024).  Supplier meeting taking place 9th October 2024.   SALC have also purchased a third party app - UserWay which has changed the compliance level of the site - use this link to view the latest report -

Content pages that are mostly text based

How SALC membership works has been sampled as this style of page is used frequently within the site.  The review has resulted in two errors remaining which are being looked at in detail (15.08.2024).  All other text based pages will be reviewed and changed as a result of this learning.  Userway app has helped address these matters.

Images, video and audio content

Review in progress 

Interactive tools and transactions - like forms

Review in progress 

Pages including login functionality

Review in progress 

PDFs and other document types

Following a change to legal topic notes (7.10.2024) a gap analysis is underway so that inaccessible PDFs and other document types supplied by a third party (including NALC) can be signposted or referred to with instructions on how to access.  This is work in progress to assess degree of impact and necessary actions.

Dynamic content - such as pop-up windows

The "cookie" pop up at the bottom of the page does not impact content that is visible.  Userway allows for this to be managed by the site visitor.

Navigation pages, including site map and pages with search functionality

Review in progress