We welcomed Cllr. Donna Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities and Marie Smith, Service Manager (Planning Strategy) from West Suffolk Council. Below is a recording of the presentation providing a detailed and useful overview of the Local Plan process and status of this exercise in West Suffolk.
Parishes were reminded of the information sent from Cllr. Higgins following the July face-to-face session asking for feedback and ideas on West Suffolk town and parish council networking in the future.
Attendance stats
Election of Area Representatives to go onto the SALC Board
Chair - Maggie Dunn (nominated by Jane Steer, seconded Helen Beck) vote carried.
Vice Chair - Jane Steer (nominated Maggie Dunn, seconded Paul Bishop) vote carried.
Two vacancies remain for this district.Information exchange
There was a request for ideas on what parishes were considering for D-Day celebrations for June 2024. Link to information on this sent to clerks available here.
There was also a broad discussion on clerk recruitment highlighting the importance of employing someone on good terms, conditions, adequate hours and relevant rate of pay, use of Suffolk Jobs Direct (link) and agreement that this was a professional role and critical to the success of town and parish councils.
There was concern about how comments from town and parish councils on planning applications were not taken into account. The discussion mentioned material considerations and to engage with West Suffolk Planning to consider examining reasons to help the council in the future. Here is a link to councillor development pathway - under further reading there are resources on planning support.
Ideas for next session - March 2024
Neighbourhood Development Plans
Councillor recruitment - tips for successSALC update
Mention of the SALC conference - 29th November being held at The Hold, Ipswich.
Details will go direct to clerks but here is a link for ease of reference.