Notes of meeting 17th September 2024
Information - documents - recording of session

Speaker: Teresa Farley, Community Action Suffolk, Good Neighbour Scheme - click on the below video to watch this talk. Click on this link to view the slide presentation.

Speaker: Laura Cave, SCC Flood Grants Officer, DEFRA's Property Flood Resilience Grant Scheme - click on this link to view the summary of this talk

Attendance stat

  • Election of Chairperson and up to three Vice Chairperson We are delighted to inform you that the following appointments were elected                                        Area Chairperson - Jane Steer, Barrow cum Denham                                                Area Vice-chairperson - Maggie Dunn, Great Barton                                                  Area vice-chairperson - Janet Davies, Flempton cum Hengrave                                        Maggie was thanked for her committment and support following her term as Chairperson for four years and to Jane Steer for stepping into that role.  A welcome to Janet Davies, a new appointment for the area forum and the SALC Board. 

  • Information exchange - discussion regarding highways and speeding issues.  Suffolk SafeCam information can be found on the Sufolk Roadsafe website, click on this link to view.

  • SALC Update: SALC re-structure - Appointed a new Development and Support Officer – role to support training and development of new clerks. Appointed a new Advice and Development Manager – to replace Jim as retiring at the end of the year – to ensure a smooth transition there will be a comprehensive handover.

  •       Suffolk Highways -  a survey on Suffolk Highways will be shared with clerks to obtain feedback, this is following on from the SALC Conference at which Suffolk Highways attended.  There will be two forums, free and online, focusing on flooding and drainage and another on winter maintenance programme – we are aiming for these to be available to book later this week – please ask your clerk to book your place. There will also be an in-person focus group at SCC offices to review and discuss the results of the survey. 

  •  NPPF consultation – SALC commissioned a consultancy company to provide a non-technical summary of the key NPPF changes which was shared with councils on 6th September.  Deadline to respond to consultation is 11.45 pm, 24th September. Click on this link to view the non-technical summary. 

  • Parish Council Domain Helper Service - update. The halfway point has now been reached in terms of allocated funding. In this financial year, almost 500 councils have claimed their funding (£100), and this figure is increasing each month.  The current projection suggested that all funding will be allocated by February 2025 and it has been confirmed that funding will NOT be available in future years. This being the case, if your council is thinking about moving to, please engage with the helper service as soon as possible to benefit from the funding and support to switching.   INFORMATION PAGE - domains | SALC Website

  •      Suffolk Community Awards – SALC judging for nominations received has been completed and we’ll be celebrating with the winners on Tuesday 24th September – a press release the following day will announce the winners. If you didn't nominate this year, there is always next year to consider. Click on this link to visit the Suffolk Community Awards website.

Notes of drop in session 3rd June 2024
Information - documents - recording of speaker