SALC meetings with local MPs

We have now met with two Suffolk MPs since the election, namely Jess Asato (Lowestoft) and Nick Timothy (West Suffolk).  In addition, we are also hoping to meet the following MPs (subject to Parliamentary business) Peter Prinsley (Bury St. Edmunds and Stowmarket), Patrick Spencer (Central Suffolk and North Ipswich) and Jenny Riddell-Carpenter (Suffolk Coastal) at the NALC Parliamentary reception taking place on 25th February.    We will continue to try and fix dates with the others.

The topic of conversation with MPs include:

  • introducing SALC, its role, purpose and the fact that we represent 97% of town and parish councils in Suffolk.  We give them examples of what we do and in particular our focus on training and development, guidance, recruitment, representation and connections with the National Association of Local Councils and their work.  

  • Setting the scene on how we can work together based on what has been successful in the past with MPs (especially those who had a role as a Vice President of SALC).  This includes meeting a couple of times a year, sharing details of the issues we are handling, comparing them with what is in their "inbox" and respectively our activities to try and address these.  This also gives us an opportunity to ask them to support certain initiatives including ones being debated nationally that NALC are lobbying for.  

  • Finally, obviously now devolution / local government re-organisation is happening in Suffolk, we want to ensure we keep them informed of what parishes and towns are thinking (positive and negative) and take advantage of the opportunities they have to advocate the local council perspective and, hopefully by raising awareness, where necessary, seeking to influence change.   

Briefing on English Devolution White Paper for Town and Parish Councils
From Suffolk CC following Statements to UK Parliament on 5th February