We welcomed Amy Rushton from Suffolk County Council who presented information on the County's vehicle charging infrastructure project. A recording of her presentation is available below for reference.
Attendance stats
Discussion topic - community engagement
We discussed the importance of recognising the diversity and complexity of communities parish councils serve, how to manage conflicting interests and the importance of listening to the variety of voices. In turn we then went onto look at how parish councils communicate, raising its profile, encouraging interest in its work, role etc., There were some good examples of how neighbourhood development plans had resulted in attracting new interest in the work of the council and the recruitment of councillors.Dedham Vale National Landscape ANOB representative
Adam Sedgwick from Stoke by Nayland Parish Council provided some background and rationale for appointing a representative to the Dedham Vale National Landscape meetings. It was agreed to cascade information to parishes in Babergh and seek expressions of interest and SALC would assist with this.Information exchange
A variety of exchanges on topics that ranged from traffic issues as a result of A14 closures and ways this had been addressed working with highways by engaging with local MP, through to costly commissioned highway works. There were xamples of significant costs associated with these too. There were ideas to help with the management of playing fields, set up and the role the parish council plays. Information was also shared on a successful (albeit it lengthy and costly) implementation of a 20 mph zone.
SALC update
SALC updated delegates on current issues coming out of the member survey which closes at the end of March - highways had come top. Here is a link to the survey for those parishes who are yet to take part. SALC will be working with highways and looking at the most effective way to help with communication and information.