The SALC annual survey was launched at the end of January 2024 and analysis published on this website - Annual Member Survey 2024 | SALC Website. This page provides an update on activities by SALC linked to the priorities identified and will be kept up to date. It was last updated on 2nd December 2024.
The partnership with Suffolk Highways is now up and running with a new dedicated page and forums have taken place which have received positive feedback. Information page - Suffolk Highways | SALC Website
SALC website and portal
A series of specialist planning webinars has been organised and available to watch on-demand. A new dedicated planning information page has been added to the SALC website. INFORMATION PAGE - planning | SALC Website
SALC commissioned a specialist to provide councils with wording and considerations in order to respond to the NALC survey seeking views on planning reforms National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) | SALC Website. This had positive feedback from a number of member councils saving them lots of time and research.
SALC have continued to develop their NSIPs information page on the website and in addition, working with Suffolk County Council, published quarterly e-magazines. SALC have also targeted information to councils identified as being impacted by specific projects where strict deadlines apply providing further guidance and support to help councils deal with key elements of the process. National Strategic Infrastructure Projects (NSIPS) | SALC Website
SALC have secured £30k from a developer to support the recruitment of a fixed term energy projects officer role. A total of £100k is required to cover the proposed three year period.
Environment and Climate
SALC have continued with their climate forum attracting a range of speakers and hosting a back catalogue of information. Climate Forum | SALC Website .
SALC has also had guest speakers to area forums to highlight grants available for those impacted by flooding and follow-up support, held flooding workshop with Suffolk Highways, Emergency Planning and flooding team from Suffolk CC.
Area forums have also hosted speakers to promote plug in Suffolk and a follow up briefing through the climate forum.
We have a representative through the Babergh Area Forum for Dedham Value National Landscape Partnership.
We held a joint session with Norfolk on the Local Nature Recovery strategy and a follow up briefing through the climate forum.
Managing community assets
Initiatives are being considered as to how SALC can assist parishes more in this area.
Community Safety
Initiatives are being considered as to how SALC can assist parishes more in this area.
Financial management
A new partnership is being set up with Scribe that sits within changes within SALC around advice and development. New articles on Model Council drafted and will link into Scribe resources. Guidance and information already available through NALC and The Parkinson Partnership will remain but with a higher profile.
The new administrative calendar with seasonal topics and tips for new clerks will also form part of refreshed approaches to raise awareness of seasonal topics, roles and responsibilities.
SALC Board approved subsidy in relation to SALC subscriptions as part of a strategy for using up reserves.
Isolation and loneliness
Working closely with Rural Coffee Caravan SALC promoted their schedule of visits by districts in the TLC in October 2024.
Working closely with Community Action Suffolk SALC promoted Good Neighbour Schemes in the TLC in July 2024 and allowed the project lead to speak at area forums which were recorded and circulated to all members.
Councillor recruitment
As part of SALC's 75 year celebration in 2025 a film will be commissioned to put a spotlight on the role of councillors and the sector as a whole. This will be used over the next two years in the lead up to the 2027 elections in May.
Clerk recruitment, development, retention
Ditto above - with a feature on the professional clerk role. In addition SALC have invested in additional resources to support officers new to role.
SALC projects
Members are also reminded of a series of projects SALC undertake - INFORMATION PAGE - SALC projects 2024-25 | SALC Website linked to the business plan.